
The assistance services provided by the YMCA have been of significant relevance to the communities in situations of social vulnerability. Welfare programs were conducted for all ages, but mostly, the work met primarily children, teenagers and the elderly.

"Social assistance, citizen's right and duty of the State, Social Security Policy is non-contributory, which provides the minimum social, accomplished through an integrated set of initiatives by public and society, to ensure the provision of basic needs. "

Article 1 of Law 8,742, of December 7, 1993 (Organic Law of Social Assistance - Invalidity).



National Conference on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent - July/2012

The Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center in Brasilia hosted the 9th National Conference on the Rights of Children and Adolescents which occurred between days 11 and 14:07:12 and counted with the participation of 3,180 people from 26 states and the federal district, with 1,615 delegates national.

The conference theme this year was "Implementing, Monitoring and Mobilizing the Ten Year Plan and Political Rights of Children and Adolescents" and had as objective the discussion of proposals from 05 states related to the axes below:

• Priority 1 - Promotion of the rights of children adolescents;

• Axis 2 - protection and rights;

• Priority 3 - role children and adolescents;

• Axis 4 - control realization of the rights;

• Area 5 - Management of the national policy of human teenage children.

The Brazilian Federation of YMCAs was present through its represante the Executive Secretary of the ACM São Paulo, Adriano de Britos who along with other counselors worked in support Etor Accreditation.

The opening ceremony took place on 07/11/12 and had the distinguished presence of Mr. Mauricio Vandorsee Secretary General of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs.

On the 12th was present the Honorable Mrs. President of the Republic Dilma Russef which among other things said "The wealth of a country is not measured by the size of its GDP, but by how much he has to watch with their children."

On Friday, the day 13:07:12 when the Statute of Children and Adolescents completed 22 years, the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs was more active than being invited to a government advisor with the representative of the ministry of health, Mrs. Maria de Lourdes, present a cultural show where 26 states and the federal district brought a bit of local culture. "I was very happy to participate in a more direct way of celebrating the 22 years of the Statute of Children and Adolescents, consider an important moment in the federation was present," said the counselor Adriano de Britos.

That same day work began evaluating proposals from states and the next day were read and approved at the General Meeting 88 proposals for implementation, mobilization and monitoring related to 5-axis.

The next step is the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents with all actors SGD - Rights Guarantee System, enable the application incindindo them in public policies aimed at this issue.

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