Acemíadas Kids Week at the YMCA Sports Center

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Takes place this Saturday, October 1, at 13 hours, the closure of the ACM Acemíadas Kids Sports Center. The event, which began on September 26, tackles the theme Ragamuffin and aims to encourage the practice of sports and increase socialization of participants, thus promoting friendship and quality of life.


The activities and challenges are happening on a regular schedule of classes until September 30 (Friday). Participants are divided into teams Chimarrão (green), Fandango (yellow), and I-I (red).

Check out the schedule of the closure:


13h: Parade of delegations

13:30: Presentation of Artistic Gymnastics

14h: Presentation Dance

14:15: Presentation of Skating

14:30: Games Futsal

16:30: Roda de Capoeira

17:30: Awards


Come support your child and attend the event!

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