ACM-RS hosts the 16th National Meeting of Social Development

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ACM-RS hosts 6-9 October, the 16th National Meeting of Social Development. The meeting, which had held its opening night on Thursday at the Cultural Center of the YMCA Sports Center, brings together partners and representatives of YMCAs in several states for over four days, further discussion and understanding of Law 12,101, finalize the National Policy of YMCAs and socialize innovative experiences in this area.


The opening speech was the representative of the Brazilian Network of the Third Sector (Rebrates), Clodoaldo Lima Leite, and social worker and expert on management and project planning social Marcia Nectoux. They spoke on the topic Law 12,101: Organized Civil Society X Government.


Also present at the event Leopoldo Lima, representative of the World Alliance of YMCAs, Jairo France, president of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs; Mauritius Vandorsee, Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs; Alves Renata Flores, representative of the National Commission for Social Development; Candida Gianoni de Freitas, second vice president of ACM-RS; Clovis Kappel, coordinator of the Commission for Social Development of ACM-RS, and Zolair Trinity, executive Secretary of the ACM-RS.


"We are happy to host the 16th edition of this event. We were also the headquarters of the 10th Meeting, which was where he began to be gestated the National Social Development of YMCAs, "said the chairman, Candida Gianoni Freitas.


Representative of the National Commission for Social Development Renata Alves stressed that the 16th Meeting mission is to extend the work of YMCAs in this area, without losing sight of the regional particularities. It was followed by the president of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs, Jairo France, which reinforced his words and highlighted the importance of the event. "We have to keep working on what many might dream," he said.

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