Cemetery John XXIII receives 10,000 visitors in Souls

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Special programming has cultural attractions and social promotion of health and well-being.

Governed by emotion and the air of reverence to those who are gone, All Souls' Day in the Cemetery John XXIII Ecumenical touched its nearly 10,000 visitors by the delicacy of its cultural program, which was among the attractions presentation musician Catfish Fagundes, accompanied by youngest son, Paulinho Fagundes, the guitar, and the acclaimed piper Luciano Maia.

Catfish and their guests brought the show A Soiree Where is the theme for the stage set Saudade especially for the occasion beside the altar. "Our soiree is a proclamation of life," he said. The event also had cameo by his son Ernesto Fagundes, who sang at the end of the presentation I give Thanks anthem, accompanied by the audience.

A group of strings and wind, made up of four musicians, also accompanied the visit of patrons to their loved ones, moving the blocks of the cemetery in the morning and afternoon. The programming of the Dead still had the ecumenical celebration In Memoriam Friar Achylles Chiappin (which was accompanied by the musician André) and cult governed by the Group of Inter-Religious Dialogue, composed of representatives of different religions.

In the central corridor of the first floor of the eight panels were mounted to the history of ACM-RS, which owns the cemetery. There, patrons were able to learn a bit of work done by the institution in its 110 years of existence.

Visitors to the Cemetery John XXIII could check your blood pressure and blood glucose level. Every thousand tests were made in partnership with the Lions Club. Parents relied on Kids Space, in which they could leave their children playing safely, under the guidance of monitors. Volunteer Center of Valuation of Life (CVC) received and advised people seeking treatment, located on the first floor.

Space Environmental Awareness and Social, was presented the work of the Center and the John XXIII Social Groups Income Generation ACM Morro Santana, who brought handmade flowers for free distribution, and the ACM Southern Cross, who rode in one CEJ craft fair with products made by its members. The celebration of All Souls in CEJ had also minirrosas distribution of seedlings and seeds.
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