Convention of YMCAs of Brazil

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Opening was attended by the Secretary of the extraordinary World Cup in Porto Alegre.

On the morning of Friday, November 11, was held in the hall Larisa Master Express Grande Hotel Porto Alegre the opening of the Convention of YMCAs of Brazil in 2011. On occasion, the secretary extraordinary World Cup in Porto Alegre, João Bosco Vaz, represented Mayor Jose Fortunati at the head table, coordinated by the president of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs, Jairo France, and the secretary general Mauricio Vandorsee.

"We have a challenge ahead, which is to prepare the five-year strategic plan for 2013/2017," added the president Jairo.
"Let's rethink and revise everything we want for our institution in the coming years, starting with the kickoff today," he added.

Among the objectives for the new strategic plan is the strengthening of the National Movement of YMCAs, regional integration and the development and expansion of the Movement Acemista. "We want to make a reference ACM leader when it comes to human development," said Jairo.

The work continued with a lecture on "Strategic planning in the 3rd Sector - importance and trend", taught by Master in Business Administration and expert in Quality Engineering Gustavo Avila Martins. Then was presented a panel, moderated by Secretary Mauricio Vandorsee. Afternoon will be working in groups.
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