ACM Total Fitness

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Total Fitness ACM (ACM-RS)


How about investing in your well-being? In ACM Total Fitness you increase your self esteem, mood and ability to concentrate, is well attended and practically oriented correct physical exercise. And best of all this in Total Mall, with the advantages and facilities of this type of venture.


In ACM Total Fitness, you are more than a goer, is a customer! Therefore ACM Fitness is a living space, where you has a distinct qualified and the biggest news of the fitness area of the market, combined with lectures, integration events, among others.


Physical activities are directed at different audiences and age groups, within the limits of the student. The physical assessment is performed every three months and free, to ensure the best results from your workout.


More information in the link below:


ACM Total Fitness
Shopping Total - Building third Floor - Porto Alegre / RS
Tel: (51) 3018.7729 - Email:

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Will be a pleasure to serve you

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