XXIX Brazilian Acemistas Games
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Sports tradition: Jabs 2004


In the period 17-24 July the ACM Sorocaba, who complete 50 years of existence in 2004, was the headquarters of Jabs - XXIX Games Acemistas Brazilians.


Activities relevant to the event were held in the Gym Sports Hall of Sorocaba, Sports Complex and Units Villa Verde Garden Center and St. Paul of the ACM Sorocaba.


Among young people, professionals and volunteers were, in all, 356 participants were involved in 122 court and field games, 40 games of Table Tennis and 12 swimming events.


The Brazilian movements were represented by nine delegations four national movements. (Four of São Paulo, two of Rio de Janeiro, two Sorocaba and Porto Alegre).


The athletes were housed at the Municipal School Matheus Maylasky who enjoyed excellent conditions of hygiene and safety. The youth told, even with the presence of a team of physical therapists in the course of every game, giving greater security to young people.


On day 22 was held a celebration in nightclub reserved for participants, and the joy and fraternal atmosphere were responsible for the fun and group integration.


In the general classification, ACM Rio de Janeiro was the winner with 73 points, followed by Sorocaba (64) and São Paulo (53).


He was awarded a special prize to the delegation of Porto Alegra the organization, education and respect the standards set by the organization. The award was presented after consultation with all staff (porters, cleaners and general services) who were involved with the backstage activity.



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