Street Soccer teaches citizenship to children and young people

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Relaxation, teaching tolerance, citizenship and respect for differences. This was the climate of Meeting Street Football ACM-RS, happened on the afternoon of Saturday, August 6, ACM Headquarters Center. The event, coordinated by the Division of Social Development (ADS), children, young people and teachers, as well as the Secretary General of the ACM-RS, Zolair Trinity, the director of the Network for Teaching Acemista, Leopoldo Radavelli, and Municipal Secretary of Sports , Recreation and Leisure, who represented mayor Jose Fortunati.


In addition to the matches between the teams within the rules and principles of the Street Football - fair play, team spirit, tolerance, inclusion and understanding - the event provided participants with a "clinical" about the sport as well as cultural and recreational activities, as the circular dance and presentation of young ACM Restinga Olympic Village.


The meeting, sponsored by the project "I Love Porto" Pepsi has been a preparation for the 1st Street Football Festival in Porto Alegre, which should happen this November

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