2nd Annual General Meeting 2010
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National Camp 2012
The National Youth Camp is an annual event held by the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs, through CNTJ unites young people of all ACMs in Brazil for a camp with educational and entertainment purposes.

Each year it takes place in a different location of the country and offers various integration activities, sports and socializing.

The camp is organized with an educational method that provides its participants, opportunities for discussion, community work and social life in a healthy environment outdoors.

Every team has the training, philosophy and objectives of the ACM. At any time an Executive Secretary, physical education professional, or leader will monitor next to the camper, ensuring their safety and participation.
The goal is to fully educate the individual of any age, balancing physical activities, intellectual and Christian. This year the event was held in the period 16-20 January at the camp in the city of Sorocaba. The camp had a significant delegation of twenty-six young men and seven employees.

Present YMCAs of Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Sorocaba. The program had recreational activities: indoor games, competitions, great games and night games; intellectual activities: Battle of knowledge; devotional activities, sunset and campfire.

The group remained together throughout the program and in the opinion of all participants in the camp was a success.
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15th National Meeting of Social Development
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JABS 2012
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