Ponta do Cururu
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  Phone: 55 (21) 2509-5727 Ramal 203
Ponta do Cururu

The National Camp Cururu, owned by RJ ACM, is a wildlife sanctuary, where there is a significant diversity of ecosystems AMAZON.

With 1,400,000 m2 is a representative of the macro forest region has equatorial.CURURU 5 of 7 ecosystems AMAZON.

This ecological jewel highlight three lakes existing in Cururu, ALLIGATOR LAKE, HOSE AND PIRANHA all beauty rare, special vegetation and a wide variety of fish, reptiles, mammals and birds.

CAMP Cururu has a prime location and easy access to just 5 minutes by boat from the CITY ALTER THE FLOOR, SANTARÉM CAPITAL CITY OF THE STATE OF PARA.

Phone: (55 21) 2509 5727 Ext 203
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