ENALI 2012

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The event was held at Camp Sorocaba in the town of Piedade, Sao Paulo, and organized by ACM Sorocaba, in the period 12-16 January, the 45th National Meeting of Leaders with the participation of 21 youth and three employees were present YMCAs of Porto Alegre, Sao Paulo, Canela, Rio de Janeiro and Sorocaba. The theme was developed: "ACM as it should be seen: Object x Reality." Theme was divided into four topics, each of which had a speaker after the lecture was intended time for group discussions. In addition to these activities, the meeting had its moments of relaxation by means of activities and group dynamics and emotion as themed dinners and traditional campfire friendship. In the assessment of young people and the employees struck against the expectations and left everyone motivated to accomplish a great year working in their movements.

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