Camp Rincão do Coelho
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Camp Rincão do Coelho

Located 120 kilometers from Porto Alegre and 12 km from the center of Cinnamon in Serra Gaucha, Corner of Camp Coelho provides fun and relaxation in contact with native fauna and flora.
Currently, the Corner occupies an area of ​​11 acres pollution free, with lots of green amid the Araucaria forest, inhabited by many wild animals and birds. Has room for group activities and games lectures, accommodation, cafeteria, locker rooms, woods and walking trail. For sports activities the camp has a football pitch, climbing wall, zip line, pendulum, false Bahia, rappelling, raffting, canoyoning, etc..

ACM Region of Hydrangeas
Office: Praça João Correa, 277 / room 02 - Canela / RS
Tel: (54) 3282.9796 - Email:
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