NEWS - Conselho Mundial
World Council 2014
  World Council 2014​    The World Council is the gathering of the global YMCA movement organized every four years by the World Alliance of YMCAs in 2014 and hosted by the YMCA of the USA. During the event, YMCAs will gather to share, learn and build upon the work of the strategy in a new way. The World Council will take place 29 June through 5 July 2014 at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, USA. National General Secretaries and youth pa... Continued...
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The next World Council of YMCAs will be in Hong Kong.
According to the news published on May 1, 2007, on the site of the World Alliance of ACMS (, the 17th World Council of YMCA (World Council of YMCAs) will be held in the city of Hong Kong - China, in 2010.   The event that occurs every four years has the intention to establish guidelines for the work of the YMCA in the world. After 20 years, the event will again be hosted in Asia, a fact that is mentioned with joy in the words of the Secretary General of the Wo... Continued...
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