The National Camp and Summer Camp
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The National Commission for Social Development, also known by the acronym CNACF, is an organization that supports the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs. It is a standing committee with its own regulations, and is staffed by volunteers, professionals and Executive Secretaries of the ACM.


Autonomy to create and install subcommittees in order to quench their tasks and / or needs, CNACF consists of three representatives from each of the ACM Brazil, being a young volunteer, a volunteer director and an Executive Secretary. The President and Secretary General of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs are ex officio members of the commission.


Among the objectives of CNACF we mention: Develop and refine camp programs and material support for the ACM as songbooks and the like; maintain a constant exchange of information between professionals and volunteers from YMCA camps on activities and exchanges to promote the exchange practical experience in the area, among others.


Some activities are assigned to this committee: Gather members regularly or extraordinarily organize National Meetings Camp, which should take place at least once a year (this year, 2007, will be held in October) and monitor, and disseminate missions each local movement in relation to the programs mentioned in the practice of the art. 4 °, c).


Check the rules of the commission in the Institutional website.

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