10th Anniversary of Challenge 21
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Ten years ago, the 14th meeting of the World Council in Frechen, Germany, approved a supplementary document and interpretation of the Paris Basis, which finalizes a process of revision of the Mission, started in Seoul, Korea. Were years of much reflection, dialogue and efforts to build agreements in a process where the Latin American and Caribbean Associations played a very important role to support strongly the character of Christ, the center of our movement, confirming the basis of Paris and contextualizing the mission.


Thus is born the Challenge XXI, the basic foundation of the Movement (Paris Basis in 1855) and the principles of Kampala (1973), identifying a set of seven demands to meet the challenges of the XXI century.


Ten years after this historic moment is an opportunity to review this script that takes us to deepen our unity in spiritual discernment and action to transform into reality.

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