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Representing ACM World, three young leaders from the region of Latin American and Caribbean countries are participating in various activities at the World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil.


A Pre-Ecumenical Forum was organized by several Christian movements, eg with the 2005 initiative, made ​​in the World Social Forum. The primary goal of ensuring the presence of ACM in activities with youth and focus to do with having a learning to share experiences and projects. Thus, also approach other youth movements, seeking cooperation and integration.


The Pre-Forum was held in the premises of the Anglican Church of Bethlehem between 25 and 27 January. With conferences on faith, politics, youth, violence and other integration activities and spaces for discussions about cooperation possibilities between these movements.


Christiane Oliveira and André Cardoso of Brazil ACM, stated that "the experience of this forum was very rich and enabled the understanding of different Christian organizations working toward the same goals, and so the dialogue was essential and strategic to ACM World". Luciana ACM Uruguay pointed out: "the climate of harmony and cooperation of participants renews our energy to accomplish the mission of the YMCA"


After the ecumenical event young people will participate in the activities of the World Social Forum in free form, seeking to deepen contacts with other youth movements in various parts of the world. With the theme "Another world is possible" the 2009 World Social Forum has chosen to accomplish their activities in the heart of the Amazon, to send the world a message of unity and cooperation of all to ensure a world of justice, peace and sustainability for all.

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