II Course for Trainers - YMCA Leaders
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On days 1 to 3 October 2009 will occur "II Trainers Course", in order to train teachers to implement the program in YMCAs YMCA Leaders of Brazil.


What is the YMCA Leaders program?


YMCA is a 16-week course recommended for young people between 15 and 18 years of age, many develop social skills. It is an international project which involved several YMCAs in Latin America and the Caribbean.


YMCA Leaders uses a methodology called "Teaching for understanding" created at Harvard and adapted by an international team of educators from the ACM. In this methodology, Understanding, and flexible use of knowledge, is the big difference.


The Meta Abarcadora Comprehension


"What aspiring leaders to develop their personal identity and social skills becoming change agents prepared for the exercise of citizenship, influencing society with decisions inspired by the philosophy acemista".


11 3138.3101

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