ADS ACM promotes Camps
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The holidays that are a joy to young people, can be a major concern for those responsible. Often, parents do not have alternatives to occupy the free time of the children. For this need is met during the months of January and February, ACM annually promotes the Camps for young Care Units Area of Social Development (ADS) of the institution.


In ACM Foundation, the colony occurs gymkhana activities, diverse workshops, horseback Itapuã, the City Park, with bus tour of the city and community parks.


The ACM Olympic Village Restinga scheduled activities related to the commemoration of 10 years of the Unit, with rides and inflatable toys for the amusement of the students.


Children and adolescents ACM Morro Santana participated in walks in parks, wooded parks and water parks, with moments of leisure and entertainment.


The Center Refap Citizen had a schedule with differentiated integration activities with youth Social Centre John XXIII and ACM Morro Santana, and ride to Barra do Ribeiro and Itapuã various recreational activities in the project dependencies.

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