JABS 2012

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The JAB's (acronym for "Games Acemistas Brazilians") refers to an annual sports competition between young (15-21 years) from various YMCAs of Brazil, including various forms of sport such as volleyball, handball, futsal, basketball, swimming and table tennis (divided into male and female). The event is organized by the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs through the National Commission of Working with Youth - CNTJ.


As a precursor of many sports, ACM propagates through the JAB's the ideal balance between SOUL, BODY and MIND, aspects as important to the life of a young person and any person.
This year, the 39th edition of the JAB's ACM is headquartered in Governor's Island, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, from 21 to 28 July (usually occurring on school vacation in the middle of the year).


To participate in the JAB's attention should be paid to some requirements such as, for example, the age and is associated with MAC for at least three months. The requirements may vary with each movement acemista. ACM Each participant may count a maximum of 90 athletes, more teachers and leaders.


And it is misleading to think that the JAB's limited to competition itself. Instead, it is aimed at the integration of young people from the YMCA's of Brazil, in addition to sports activities, through social and cultural activities. The JAB's is an excellent opportunity to meet people with different cultures and customs and, of course, form new friendships.


(Text by: Felipe Miranda - President Corps Leaders ACM RJ - Unit Governor's Island)

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