Young ACM represents Brazil in Spain
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Again ACM Brazil is very well represented abroad by one of his young. Volunteer Aruã of Menegaz Macedo and participated in a cultural exchange promoted among YMCAs Spain and Brazil. The program takes place every year between the months of June and July and is developed in a YMCA camp Spain. The selection process is done through statements and preparation of an essay in which the candidate must tell the reason that makes them want to participate in the program.


One of the strengths of the program is the low financial investment by the candidate, which is usually responsible for the cost of passage and seen. The proposed cultural integration is very useful, especially in the matter of learning the Spanish language. The young Aruã makes the following testimony in his trip report, which cites the most important points regarding your international experience: "Among many positives, I quote here: The cultural exchange where you learn a lot of the customs of another people and teaches much of the culture of his own country, the experience that enriches the curriculum and training of anyone speaking Spanish. "


In addition to this program developed annually between Brazil and Spain the ACM, the Federation has openings in similar programs for YMCAs in Portugal and Italy. Applicants must be aware of the postings on our site.


By: Mohamad Fakih

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