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Today we can say, without fear of error, that the world is "dominated" by women, in any area or field. The increasing their participation, whether in politics, the economy, the universities, is a major symptom, which at the present time, women and men have the same importance. The book "The Woman in the Third Millennium", in which was attended by Ruth Niskier, this is exemplified:


 "This is not simply extol the presence and participation of women in Brazilian society. Since she got the right to vote, which only in 1932 was able to exercise for the first time, the woman is no longer satisfied with the supporting role of the man, in a secondary way, but began to demand a more equal society in the development process economic and social, "said Ruth.


And actually that statement above makes sense. Since we had the right to choose the leaders of our country, women have continued to progress. According to some data Perseus Abramo Foundation (, of 2002, in all levels of education in Brazil women are among the most graduates. In elementary school, girls represent 53.4% ​​of graduates from 8th grade in middle school now that advantage is increased to 56.3% of graduates, while in higher education, women are equal to 63% of those who reach the end of courses.


Other data confirm that the rise of women. Properly speaking the post-college, social indicators IBGE (2003) show that female participation in the labor market, in Brazil, had huge advances in recent decades. Women represent 42% of the workforce in formal employment and 57% in informal work, although there is still (not for long) a disproportion in relation to the wages of men.


In politics we can also see this "rise" status. According to the website "Space Scholar" (, women make up 8.2% of / representatives responsible for the drafting of laws in this country are 42 MPs in a universe of 515 members that make up the Federal Chamber top of the 29 MPs elected superior. Not to mention the participation of women as mayors, governors, ministers. Perhaps it is more than time that Brazil tr one woman president.


ACM believes and supports participaçõa increasingly effective women in society and this is one of the Challenge 21, mundias priority agenda that puts women in a prominent role.


By João Paulo Amorim - Volunteer

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