Good practices in the fight against AIDS and HIV
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A code of good practice for NGOs working in the fight against HIV and AIDS was developed. The World Alliance of YMCAs is one of the first organizations to sign it.


Sharing the vision of Practice.


The code identifies the key practical skills required for success in the fight against AIDS. Its goal is to help NGOs improve the quality of their work and publicize this to reach new partners and communities. The idea is to allow NGOs share a common vision of their role in helping programs to strengthen their voice in work on HIV.


Compremetimento with a continuous evolution


BENEFITS There are many others in the use of the code. You can use it to inspire organizational change, provide opportunities for partners and inform the development, implementation and efficiency of programs. Adhering to the Code, NGOs are committing to continuous evolulção and dissemination.


The Code provides evaluation modules for NGOs to assess program performance in four areas: general opinion about AIDS, meaningful involvement of people and communities affected by AIDS, fighting stigma and discrimination; voluntary testing and advisory services.


An Invitation to all YMCAs


Many national moviementos of YMCAs participating in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The World Alliance of YMCAs invites all YMCAs engaged in this cause to use the code and its assessment modules to help in measuring efiiciência these programs.


For more information visit or contact a Global Alliance


Translation: Marcello Margoni - Volunteer

Maecenas ut ipsum in velit egestas tempor. Donec pellentesque, orci ut ornare ullamcorper, lectus eros elementum tellus, eu congue enim lectus sit amet massa. Nunc ut justo in quam congue lacinia. Sed a lectus turpis, quis fringilla augue. Phasellus nec felis et nisl eleifend tincidunt ac vel dui. Ut ac dolor ac erat cursus auctor. Maecenas vitae sapien dui. Sed ut lacus ipsum, vitae tempus mauris. Morbi semper ullamcorper ullamcorper. In eu nunc vitae enim luctus bibendum.
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