Panama receives events of YMCAs
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In the event that began on March 31 and extended by mid-April, the city of Panama was the site of three major events that involved the participation of volunteers from many parts of the globe, and the presence of General Secretaries and Presidents of YMCAs Latin America and the Caribbean.


First, we held the International Seminar of General Secretaries and Presidents of YMCAs. With the theme "Building a culture of philanthropy and seeking funds", the event was attended by over thirty participants and guests from the region of YMCAs in the United States Canada, Spain, the World Alliance of YMCAs and Ys Mens Club International.


This seminar is part of the "Learning Network", which was released in 2006, in São Paulo. The methodology focused on the study of four cases (The YMCAs of Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay and Colombia), who presented their experiences on issues of philanthropy.


We highlight the presence and contribution of two experts who provided their input, enriched and intensified work in groups: Jose Rendon (YMCA USA) and George Rodger (YMCA Canada), consultant of the World Alliance of YMCAs. Besides deepening the concepts from the discussion of the cases, the methodology proposed by the Secretariat of the YMCA Latin America and the Caribbean led to the identification of critical factors.


For example, in the area of ​​leadership, issues of knowledge, skills and attitudes were highlighted, as well as technological problems, such as tools, equipment and techniques. This study concluded that it should form a network of "Philanthropy and Fundraising," but at the same time it became clear that these expressions are contextualized in the social, cultural and political life of each YMCA.


The coordinating committee of this network will be formed within the next 60 days and the first working meeting was scheduled for June. The participants evaluated the event as positive, noting its historical character, because several reasons define a point in common with similar characteristics, the treatment of these issues in the life of associations and the perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean.


On the same day, but in another physical space, there was the World Forum for Young Volunteers. On Wednesday, April 2, was held the XX World Conference on Volunteering and finally, on Saturday, April 5, and Sunday, April 6, held the annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the YMCA Latin America and Caribbean with the presence of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee, sub-regional coordinators and special guests.


John Paul Amrorim, Volunteer

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