Day Acemista
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The 6th of June is quite remarkable in the history of ACM worldwide. On this day, exactly 164 years ago, has emerged the first seat of the institution, created by the young George Williams in England.


Additionally, June 6 has another great importance: the Day of Acemista. It's my day, it's your day and the day of all associates, volunteers and employees who make this the ACM family atmosphere and great friendship.


In Brazil for over 100 years, the ACM also celebrates the date and spared no effort to make it part of the official calendar of anniversaries. The municipalities of São Paulo, Campos do Jordao, Guarulhos, Osasco, Barueri and São José dos Campos, and the Legislatures of São Paulo and Porto Alegre celebrate Day Acemista.


The amount of acemistas in the world (40 million), plus the number of seats (12 000), countries where the ACM is installed (125) and value of the work of the institution is that motivated the creation of this day.

Being acemista is work, play, learn, integrate, have friends and be part of a great story.

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