YMCA Europe 2008

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A Dream come true!


Was classified as the participation of youngsters at the YMCA Europe 2008 festival that ultimately brought together more than 8,000 young people of YMCAs around the world for a great celebration of life, friendship and Christian values ​​disseminated by our organization.


Thirty tupiniquins knew how to make a difference in the midst of so many people, and gain sympathy collective, and a presence in all the activities that made up the immense programming.


All very expected. More than a year of preparation, the anxiety of traveling for the first time for many, take the first plane, go to a country totally unknown language, in short, all the little things that involve international travel.


On July 31, 15 of the 32 Brazilian arrived in Prague for a hike in partnership with the YMCA youth Switzerland. Left the Czech capital to the north of the country to a place called Chavlec, which began a journey of 60 km across several cities, and one of the passages, crossing the border with Poland.


Lush landscapes and the opportunity to integrate with a group of young Swiss who, despite cultural differences, they learned to find a way to light the flame of friendship.


Many stories and adventures after three long days culminated around the city of Prague where the group met the other Brazilians who came to the festival and there followed curious and full of expectations to participate in the largest youth event of the ACM World.


Messages Welcome inspired everyone to enjoy the experience to the fullest and work to build new friendships. And so it was. Friends of Germany, United States, South Africa, Mexico, Norway and also less known countries as Latvia, Belarus, Iceland and others formed the social circle of Brazilians between days 03 and 09 August 2008.


Lots of music, dancing, sports, workshops and dozens of activities filled the space of an immense park of Prague and imposed a hectic schedule to all participants.


How could it be, Brazilians also took the time to visit the capital of the Czech Republic which is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Palaces, bridges, bars, restaurants and theaters peppered the tour itinerary.


With the discovery of new horizons, a lot of excitement and joy, the event culminated with a great show and was concluded with a song made for the event and which bears the name of the activity of the slogan "Real Life".


A celebration of diversity, harmony and particularly strong emotions is part of the life of 32 young people who agreed to try the feeling of "Real Life" and so wrote a chapter of his remarkable life stories and personal development.

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