ACM Rio Grande do Sul receives award
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It happened on the 25th of November, at 20 am in the auditorium Mondercil Paulo Soares, prosecutors, the ceremony that rewards the winners of the ARF in 2008, sponsored by the Association Rio Grande Foundation. Facing the third sector institutions and foundations of the state, the purpose of the Award is to encourage the adoption of practices and actions founded on high principles governing the functioning of social institutions. The categories were Management and Innovation.


The grant award is given on the advice of the Evaluation Committee consisting of experts with proven experience in management and not affiliated with the competing institutions.


One of the units of Social Development ACM-RS was awarded the Special Award in Innovation Category Management ACM - Foundation Cazemiro Bruno Kurtz, during this year has been implementing a pilot project that deals with management benchmark practice of Restorative Justice, encompassing Justice, Democracy, Nonviolent Communication and Culture of Peace This initiative of the needs presented by users, workforce and perspectives on the indicators of overall performance of the institution.


ACM-Foundation sees this innovative methodology, opportunities to act preventively and proactively tackle the problems presented for growth in situations of conflict and violence. Briefly the steps include steps so linked and interdependent, including repair of the damage, stakeholder engagement, transformation of individuals, communities and government.


Restorative Justice is the resolution of conflicts and tensions generated by divergent positions or behaviors offenders, non-violently.


This process enhances the autonomy and dialogue between people, creating opportunities for those involved (offender, victim, family and community) to participate in the construction of concrete actions that enable prevent violence and deal with its implications.


Were also honored with the 2008 Award ARF institutions Fishing Project Foundation, Hospital of St. Angelo Tennis Foundation, Institute Sollus.

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