New representatives in CNAS and CONANDA
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It is with great pleasure to inform you that the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs is with new representatives in CNAS (National Council of Welfare) and Conanda (National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents), Renata Flores (CNAS) and Andrea Passion (CONANDA ), both of ACM Brasilia are the two new representatives and will have a hard road ahead and a great responsibility to work on behalf of our affiliates and other organizations in a responsible and honest.


Renata: My expectations as a representative of the Federation in CNAS is able to contribute to the national debate about the Politics of Welfare. It is a space for mobilization, learning and decision perspective of social control. Furthermore, it is essential to aggregate all local YMCAs an articulated network, so that in fact we may be focusing on the theme and following the consolidation of State and Local Public Policy, says Renata.


Andrea: I'm very happy and excited to be a representative of the Federation of YMCAs Conanda as it is a Council that seeks increasingly assert the protection, promotion and defense of the rights of our children and adolescents, which is against our mission . Desire to contribute and share with the Conanda human rights today are discussed and evaluated in this advice very seriously. I am open and excited with this new challenge, says Andrea.


And of course we could not forget our former representatives Waldir Pereira (CNAS) and José Ricardo Caporal (Conanda), which proudly the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs thanks for the great work over the years representing the YMCAs of Brazil with dedication and responsibility .

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