National Camp 2010

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The Annual National Camp 2010, organized by the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs and by the National Youth Work, held from 21 to 25 January in the city of Sorocaba.


Aiming to educate and entertain young people on their vacation, the national camp next year promises to have guaranteed success thanks to the proposed activities for young people such as tree climbing, trekking and nature trail around the seat, on the shores of dam Itupararanga.


With an atmosphere of joy, outdoor showered a lot of nature, the camps are important to young people who like to make new friends for having the opportunity to meet people from all over Brazil and strengthening the old to reconnect with old friends.


The headquarters of the YMCA Camp Sorocaba has a large space, with cottage, dining room, industrial kitchen, games room, BBQ, picnic area, locker rooms, sports courts, cafeteria, football field, ample area for hiking, trails ecological, and monitors are highly trained.


The application deadline is January 10, 2010 and those interested in attending the camp should contact the Department of Youth ACM Sorocaba through contacts:


Rua da Penha, 680 - Centro - Sorocaba - SP
CEP: 18010-002
Tel: (15) 3234-9118

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