Institute for Professional Leadership ACM Sorocaba
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On the last day January 4 started the third module in preparation Professionals Professional Leadership Institute, located in ACM Sorocaba-SP. The course objective is to train professionals to become eligible for future positions of Executive Secretary of the ACM.


The Technical Institute of ACM Sorocaba has existed since 1979 and has the support and guidance of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs and Springfield College, U.S..


To participate in the preparation were given seven professionals ACM São Paulo that follow:


Cristiano de Jesus Almeida Bustolin - ACM Itapeva
Charles Rodrigues Santos ACM Minas Gerais
Rodrigo Santos Fenelon - ACM Minas Gerais
Márcio Fernandes Rolim - ACM Rio Grande do Sul
Márcio Pascoal Coelho - ACM Rio Grande do Sul
Adriano de Britos - ACM São Paulo
André Joseph Passantino - ACM São Paulo
Edney Roberto Delgado - ACM São Paulo
Fabio da Silva Sampaio - ACM São Paulo
José Vasconcelos Pales - ACM São Paulo
Robson Pereira - ACM São Paulo
Romulo Dantas Augusto Gomes - ACM São Paulo
Rhodia Herrera Arriaga - ACM Temuco / Chile

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