World Day without light

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For the third straight year, several postcards of the capital will be off for an hour as part of the worldwide movement known as Earth Hour (Earth Hour). In the 2011 edition, eight monuments will be part of the initiative. The novelty this year is the entry of three new points: the Pacaembu Stadium, the library Mário de Andrade and Bows Anhangabaú.


The lights will be off this Saturday, April 26, 20.30 and 21.30, according to the announcement made ​​by the City.
The mayor Gilberto Kassab officiated participation after meeting with members of non-governmental organization WWF, promoter of the event, the seat of the municipal administration.


Earth Hour is a symbolic act in which individuals, businesses, government and communities are invited to turn their lights for one hour to show their support for the fight against global warming. It is a global initiative organized by WWF to draw attention to climate change.


Participating in the initiative
_ Estaiada
_ Obelisk Ibirapuera
_ Flag Monument
_ Teatro Municipal
_ Municipal Market
_ Pacaembu Stadium
_ Mário de Andrade Library
_ Bows Anhangabaú

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