NEW WAY - An opportunity to compatilhar stories YMCA / YMCA with

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Dear Friends,


In 2011, we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers of the United Nations. To celebrate this milestone and recognize volunteers, the World Alliance of YMCAs / ACMs was invited to share photos and videos for an exhibition multimídea at UN Headquarters in New York in December of this year.


Please send photos in high resolution formats known and to demonstrate the impact of volunteers from YMCA / YMCA and its contribution to peace and development. We are looking for images that register the influence of young people in the community through volunteer experience at the YMCA / YMCA in areas such as environmental education / tree planting, physical participation, health education, attention to people, teaching skills etc.. It is very important that the pictures you can identify the YMCA / YMCA through shirt, buildings or other visual signals.


We are looking for stories visual impact of good practice around the world. Stories that help the audience to understand the human side of how volunteering can Transforming lives. Please send photos of the most inspiring and motivating to May 1, 2011.


Importantly, the YMCAs / ACMs will be recognized and receive the crédido materials submitted and selected by the organization. This is an incredible opportunity to strengthen the identity of the YMCA / YMCA and give visibility to our volunteers in an area frequented by world leaders and the general public.


Acemistas Regards,

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Please contact us by sending questions or suggestions via Email:


Will be a pleasure to serve you

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