Day Acemista

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On June 6, 1844, was founded by George Williams in London, the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in order to provide better quality of life for workers, from the reading of biblical texts and that date symbolizes the day of Acemista. It's my day, it's your day and the day of all associates, volunteers and employees who make the YMCA this family atmosphere and great friendship among all.

In Brazil for over 100 years. The YMCA has taken pains to make it part of the official calendar of anniversaries. YMCAs in all the world, various activities are held, prepared especially to celebrate the date. These events are dedicated to all members, volunteers and employees, as the YMCA only exists because these people believe in the mission, vision, principles and values ​​Acemistas.

With more than 45 million Acemistas spread in more than 130 countries and approximately 14,000 seats at the YMCA celebrates this day with great pride and pleasure.

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