ACM enclosing character is emphasized by the Assembly

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ACM-RS was honored this afternoon (June 21) during the plenary Great Expedient Legislative Assembly. The recognition, a proposal from Mr Raul Pont, was supported by 55 representatives of the House.


This was, in the words of Pont, a double recognition as contemplated the Day Acemista, passed on June 6, and the 110 years of the ACM-RS. "Our goal here is to thank and acknowledge the work of all those who work and have collaborated with the organization in our state in educational, social and sports," said the deputy. Pont spoke about the creation of the YMCA / YMCA in England and drew a picture of the historical moment in which the institution was born. "What was unique in the history of ACM is that it breaks the proposed rigid society discovered. This opening would become a hallmark of the association, willing to include any man, woman or child, regardless of race, religion or nationality. The emphasis on contact, solidarity and social inclusion from the start was also a feature of the association, "he said.


At the end of the ceremony, which was followed by the community acemista and featured demonstrations of sympathy from all sides of the House, a commemorative plaque was presented to the President of ACM-RS Roco Rímolo Antonio Cosenza, president of the Brazilian Federation of YMCAs, Jairo France and the secretary general of the ACM-RS, Zolair Trindade de Oliveira, who represented the institution at the head table of the event.

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