Project Butterfly - ACM RS

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The Butterfly Project serves children and adolescents with special needs, aged between six months and 24 years. Held at the YMCA Sports Center, the project develops psychomotor activities, recreation, and aquatic sports for people with disabilities (PWD), enabling the improvement and development of their potential and their full integration into society and improve quality of life.


Project activities include motor coordination skills, fine motor skills, speed, strength, flexibility, agility, rhythm, body language, pre-sports games, introduction to sports (volleyball, basketball, football and tennis), recreation with fun games and cooperative , integration activities in parks, camps on the coast and saw the participation of family and festive activities on commemorative dates.


The pool is made adaptation to the water, breathing propulsion, full immersion, balance vertical, horizontal static and dynamic (ventral and dorsal). The recreational games and playful, held in the gym of the YMCA, are used as a tool for socialization and autonomy. At the end of the activities, students are accompanied by their teachers to the locker room and delivered to those responsible. Periodically, the professionals involved conduct training courses and participate in symposiums and conferences in the area.


Contact: Rua Washington Luiz, 1050, Centro - Porto Alegre / RS - (51) 3213.6000 - Email:

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