School of Languages ​​ACM / RS International Center
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School of Languages ​​ACM, classes are focused on communication skills, with various activities immersion, making the student always be exposed to real communication situations.


In addition, all students undergo a placement test in order to present the program that is most suitable for each person.


Learn more about the School of Languages ​​and education levels used:


Magic World - 7 to 10 years - No Magic World fun and learning go hand in hand. All skills are worked out in full, with activities aimed at the child's everyday situations. Classes are prepared with a focus on participation.


Adventure - 11-14 years - in Aimed at young public in Adventure students will be able to speak and understand English in a natural way. Music, movies, sitcoms, at this level the young will be prepared to interact with different media through effective communication and modern. Will be working several tools for your child's school, having the grammar geared to their needs.


Wise - 15 to 17 - The Wise program, the youth will be prepared to understand and interact with the world. At this level the young will be able to carry out exchanges with ACM Exchanges and Trips. The whole grammar is founded with the objective of supporting the students, aiming at the preparation for proficiency testing. At the end of this course the student will be able to communicate fluently in English.


Straight On - over 17 years - Geared for adults, students and young people completing the third year of high school, the works Straigh On all communication skills in an interactive and current. Always seeking to address issues relevant to students' everyday lives, are used various teaching methodologies making the classroom dynamic. At the end of this course the student will be able to communicate fluently in English.


Spanish and Italian - The Italian and Spanish courses aimed at working with the student all aspects of the language, bringing to the classroom culture and customs of the countries that use that language. The program is geared for youth and adults with basic and intermediate level.


Private tuition - Applied to students who do not fit into regular classes, as a matter of class schedule or specific need such as Business English, English for Travel, Instrumental English or other, with a workload to be set with the student.


Translations and Interpreters - Development translations for academic papers, books, research or any other instrument, and interpreter services for events, shows, schedules, business or any other reason.


Abstracts - Production of abstracts for academic papers.


Fast Inglês - Service aims to equip commercial sector or service for fast communication using the basic structures, with a workload of 50 hours.


Business Inglês - English for students who already possess language fluency and need to make use of expressions in a specific line of business.


Midday Class - Classes for people who only have your lunch hour to study. These classes are 1 hour for each meeting and its workload 40 hours.


For more details, please contact us by phone (51) 3224.3673 or email


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