YMCA / YMCA in the UN General Assembly
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It was reported that the YMCA was appointed by the President of the 65th UN General Assembly to pronounce speech youth of the world, during the opening ceremony of the High Level Meeting on Youth in July 25 (Monday) at 11: 00 am and 10:00 local time in New York, USA. And as a "freebie" for ACM / Brazil, the pronouncement of the speech will be made by a Brazilian, the Executive Secretary of youth development, Mr. Romulo Dantas, only 29 years.


Below are some words of Romulo:


"When I was given this position at the YMCA my dream was to be able to tell the world what are the critical issues for the young, and now I have this opportunity to speak from the podium of the United Nations."


For us it is only but a step in pursuit of a better world for our youth!
The link will be available on the website of the Global Alliance

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