Municipality of Porto Alegre-RS ACM honors

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Fortunati Mayor highlighted the institution as a partner city.

The 110th anniversary of the ACM-RS - which will be completed in November 26 - were honored by the city of Porto Alegre in the afternoon, June 26. Mayor Jose Fortunati handed to the President of ACM-RS Roco Consenza Rímolo, a commemorative plaque in recognition of the work of the institution and its tradition in the city.


The ceremony took place at ACM-RS and was the entire board of the organization, as well as the presence of the President of the Foundation for Social Welfare and Citizenship (FASC), Marco Antonio Seadi, the Municipal Secretary of Education, Cleci Jurach , pedagogical director of the Municipal Education (SMED), Eliane Meleti, and technical director of FASC, Clara Zito.

"The YMCA has consolidated its history in the history of Porto Alegre. This honor is in recognition of the city to the institution, that much has done for her, "said Mayor Fortunati. "Public recognition further enhances our responsibility to maintain transparency and further cultivate the idea that we are agents of change in society," thanked Roco Rímolo.

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