ACM / RS International Center
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Check out the activities experienced by the youth of ACM / RS International Center on the second day of the trip


A group of exchange students from ACM International Centre is enjoying a lot to experience in St. Louis (USA). "On the second day, the young people have had to test your English to the fullest. Each was assigned to a cabin of children, where they had to communicate in that language only to assist them during the activities and meals, "says the coordinator of the ACM International Center, Gustavo Andrade. Gustavo is accompanying the group during the exchange. "Our staff has a hard time, but he did. Did many activities also swam in the lake, did archery lessons, climbing, Tyrolean style Superman, plus a classic football camp counselors with the United States, New Zealand and Australia, "says Gustavo. "The only thing that was not encouraged much food. All are already missing the good rice and beans, "diz.Na yesterday afternoon, July 27, the group left the camp towards a hotel. "A lot of slack for all now, since each pair are in a room equipped super. At night we went to see Cardinal Baseball game vs Houston. It was great, and although the staff did not understand almost nothing of what was happening in the field, had a great time and took lots of pictures. Too bad the home team lost, "says Gustavo.


Today the exchange students will visit the St. Louis Zoo, one of the largest in Latin America, and then will meet many tasty local museums and the city.

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