Way of the Child and Adolescent (CCA)
This program was the first to be created by ACM São Paulo, in 1930. It aims to provide children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability, access to sports, recreational, educational, cultural, social and leisure activities, in order to contribute to socio-emotional and physical development, as well as the process of protection and inclusion social and their families attended.
The units Campos d... Continued...
Celebration was held on December 8 at the YMCA Gym B Sports Center.
ACM-RS wishes everyone a Merry Christmas, filled with love, solidarity and Christian spirit. Happy Holidays!
Below is the video link:
Much joy and fun at the YMCA Summer Camp! Bring your child to have fun and learn while playing.
The Summer Camp ACM Brasília has a team of professionals ready to ensure the enjoyment and safety of your child.
We offer aquatic recreation, games, directed recreation, competitions, inflatable toys, walks, healthy snacks daily, cap and shirt. In our Summer Camp fun is guaranteed!
Summer Camp ACM
For children from the 04th to 11
From 16 to 2... Continued...
If the feeling is legitimate, it lasts forever and any reunion will be like the first time. Then you have to miss those wonderful moments that lived during childhood / teen years at the YMCA do not miss this opportunity to review people who did and are still part of your life.
Will be several editions and the first will be a luau.
Total Fitness ACM (ACM-RS)
How about investing in your well-being? In ACM Total Fitness you increase your self esteem, mood and ability to concentrate, is well attended and practically oriented correct physical exercise. And best of all this in Total Mall, with the advantages and facilities of this type of venture.
In ACM Total Fitness, you are more than a goer, is a customer! Therefore ACM Fitness is a living space, where you has a distinct qualified and ... Continued...
Location: ACM / Sorocaba Unit Camp.
Date: From 16 to 20 January 2012.
Location: YMCA Center
For children 5-13 years.
Information on the Children's Department or by phone (15) 3234.9110
Aiming to meet the needs of modern life ACM offers you and your family Monitoring School, a service that has great structure, teaching staff attentive to aid in school work, and offer several options for physical activities for your child !
The Children's Program welcomes children 3-11 years in morning and afternoon shifts, with professionals who will assist them in accomplishing tasks school and can practice various activities * our timetable: swimming, soccer, voll... Continued...
Early Childhood Education
For 33 years, ACM São Paulo, through an agreement with the Secretary of Family and Social Welfare PMSP, took the Creche Italo Portieri Brazil, designed to serve 150 children 0-4 years of age from families of low income, in a situation of social vulnerability.
In January 2003, the nursery has the Secreteria Municipal Social Assistance to the Municipal Education due to redornamento generated by the Law of Guidelines and Basis o... Continued...
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