Below is the link to the speech of Mr. Romulo Dantas:
29 years ago, the program provides youth, teens and adults from low-income, knowledge, basic skills development and training for the exercise of professional activities, enabling also able to face new challenges and interact socially in order to exercise citizenship and insertion in the labor market.
Courses are conducted free, continuous and proper structure as hairdressing, sewing, computer, screen printing, carpentry, manicure and pedicure, among others.
Units part... Continued...
Fortunati Mayor highlighted the institution as a partner city.
The 110th anniversary of the ACM-RS - which will be completed in November 26 - were honored by the city of Porto Alegre in the afternoon, June 26. Mayor Jose Fortunati handed to the President of ACM-RS Roco Consenza Rímolo, a commemorative plaque in recognition of the work of the institution and its tradition in the city.
The ceremony took place at ACM-RS and was the entire board of the organization... Continued...
Project Presentation ACMúsica: Music Through the Ages
- Day 02 (Tuesday), at 18 am, at the ACM / RJ Youth and Adults at the Theatre (6th floor) - "Project Presentation ACMúsica: Music Through the Ages". Come see the show!
The YMCA / YMCA has swimming for all ages, but as not to draw attention to those who make our ACM far more beautiful and interesting.
Below is the link to the schedule of children's activity
Check out the activities experienced by the youth of ACM / RS International Center on the second day of the trip
A group of exchange students from ACM International Centre is enjoying a lot to experience in St. Louis (USA). "On the second day, the young people have had to test your English to the fullest. Each was assigned to a cabin of children, where they had to communicate in that language only to assist them during the activities and meals, "says the coordinator of... Continued...
The ACM Folia 2011 that occurred in the city of Sao Jose dos Campos was a great party, below is the link with photos of the day of the event.
On August 12, 2011 we will have a moment of harmony among the members of our Bodybuilding. On this occasion we decided to opt for something more lively than the now traditional pizza. The meeting is scheduled at Pampa Grill, located in the City Centre which provides us electronic music with DJ and buffet released by R $ 20.00 (men) and $ 15.00 (women) both with flier (not drinks).
Registration with Teachers Bodybuilding. Further information with Professor Marcelo Scorali... Continued...
Street Soccer teaches citizenship to children and young people
Relaxation, teaching tolerance, citizenship and respect for differences. This was the climate of Meeting Street Football ACM-RS, happened on the afternoon of Saturday, August 6, ACM Headquarters Center. The event, coordinated by the Division of Social Development (ADS), children, young people and teachers, as well as the Secretary General of the ACM-RS, Zolair Trinity, the director of the Network for Teaching Acemista, Leopoldo Radavelli, and Municipal Secretary of Sports , Recreatio... Continued...
Aulão Day Teacher of Physical Education - ACM / Rio
September 7th will be a lot of fitness and joy to celebrate the Day of the Teacher of Physical Education. Several classes will be held in the parking lot of the YMCA. Attend and participate;
Wonderful walking weekend in the City of Seresta, all inclusive.
Hosanna teachers and Janet.
Open enrollment in the Department Program, limited vacancies!
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