YMCA is a 16-week course recommended for young people between 15 and 18 years of age, many develop social skills. It is an international project which involved several YMCAs in Latin America and the Caribbean.
YMCA Leaders uses a methodology called "Teaching for understanding" created at Harvard and adapted by an international team of educators from the ACM. In this methodology, Understanding, and flexible use of knowledge, is the big difference.
Between days 09, 10, 11 and 12 will take place in the city of Sorocaba the 10th Conference of Mission, look for the presence of all.
Questions and information on ymcabrazil@ymca.org.br or phone (011) 3257-7556
In this June 5, Environment Day, it is important to remember some data that reflect the difficult global situation regarding the use of 2.5% of fresh water available on the planet. According to the UNESCO report, the UN body responsible for education and the World Programme of Assessment Hydro, more than a sixth of the world population, or the equivalent of 1.1 billion people have no access to fresh water supply.
So let's educate and care for the environment!!
On June 6, 1844, was founded by George Williams in London, the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in order to provide better quality of life for workers, from the reading of biblical texts and that date symbolizes the day of Acemista. It's my day, it's your day and the day of all associates, volunteers and employees who make the YMCA this family atmosphere and great friendship among all.
In Brazil for over 100 years. The YMCA has taken pains to make it part of th... Continued...
Institution was recognized with the Medal of Gratitude Gold Grade by UEB
ACM-RS was honored Thursday by the Union of Scouts Brazil - region of Rio Grande do Sul (RS-UEB) with the Medal of Gratitude Gold Grade. Delivery of the medal and diploma, as chairman of UEB-RS, Carlos Eduardo Chaise, aimed, and greet the ACM-RS by its 110 years, thanks to which the institution has partnered with the Boy Scouts.
"We have a relationship with ACM ancient and valuable. It received unconditi... Continued...
Day 21 (Tuesday) at 19 am, at the ACM-RIO, Youth and Adults at the Theatre (6th floor) - "Project Presentation ACMúsica: Music Through the Ages." Come see the show!
In Brazil, the date is celebrated on June 12th for being the eve of June 13 - Day of Saint Anthony, Saint with Portuguese tradition of marriage.
The date probably emerged in São Paulo trade when the publicist John Doria brought the idea of the exterior and presented to merchants. The idea expanded by Brazil, supported by the correlation with the Day of San Valentin - Valentine's Day, which in the northern hemisphere occurs on February 14 and is used to encourage... Continued...
This past weekend happened to Mission Conference in 2011 in the city of Sorocaba, with the presence of members from several countries, among them South Korea, Alemenha, USA among others.
Walk in Ecolóica ACM Cruzeiro do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul)
Children's Garden AIII class from Kindergarten ACM Southern Cross did a walk around of the ecological community.
The objective of the activity was to develop in children attitudes of responsibility for the preservation of the planet and the recognition that care about the environment promote quality of life.
The children also distributed leaflets made at the Institution for the community residents.
Maecenas ut ipsum in velit egestas tempor. Donec pellentesque, orci ut ornare ullamcorper, lectus eros elementum tellus, eu congue enim lectus sit amet massa. Nunc ut justo in quam congue lacinia. Sed a lectus turpis, quis fringilla augue. Phasellus nec felis et nisl eleifend tincidunt ac vel dui. Ut ac dolor ac erat cursus auctor. Maecenas vitae sapien dui. Sed ut lacus ipsum, vitae tempus mauris. Morbi semper ullamcorper ullamcorper. In eu nunc vitae enim luctus bibendum.
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